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Complete Endgame Course (Under 1800 Rating)

Become a chess endgame master with this all-encompassing course
134 Students enrolled
  • Description
  • Curriculum
About the Course Welcome to “Complete Chess Endgame Course (<2000)”, a comprehensive and focused program designed to strengthen your endgame skills and knowledge. This course is providing crucial techniques and strategies to master the final phase of the game. What You’ll Learn

  • Essential Endgame Positions: Discover the most critical endgame positions every player must know, ensuring you’re well-prepared for common scenarios.
  • Defensive Techniques: Learn key defensive methods to save theoretically drawn positions and hold your ground against strong opponents.
  • Rook Endgame Mastery: Explore important theoretical positions in Rook endgames, such as the Lucena and Philidor positions, and understand their practical applications.
  • King and Pawn Endgame Concepts: Master concepts like Opposition, the Square rule, and Zugzwang, which are vital for success in King and pawn endgames.
  • Comprehensive Endgame Fundamentals: Gain a solid foundation in various endgames, including Bishop endings, Bishop vs Pawn, Knight endings, and Knight vs Pawn.
  • Advanced Checkmating Techniques: Learn how to checkmate with Bishop and Knight, two Bishops, and even explore the rare possibility of checkmating with two Knights.
  • Bishop vs Knight Endgame Fundamentals: Understand the intricacies of Bishop vs Knight endgames and how to navigate these challenging positions.
  • Rook vs Minor Pieces: Dive into endgames involving Rook vs Bishop and Rook vs Knight, developing strategies for both sides.
  • Opposite-Colored Bishop Endgames: Get familiar with the basics of opposite-colored Bishop endgames and the unique challenges they present.
  • Queen Endgames: Study Queen vs Rook endgames, including winning techniques and defensive tricks, as well as evaluating Queen plus extra piece vs Queen endgames. Check out our other related courses: Endgame course
How the Knight & Bishop Checkmate Together
How to Checkmate with Two Bishops
Can we Checkmate with Two Knights?
Additional Practice Set (All Chapters)