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Play the Benko Gambit vs 1.d4

Learn a Complete Repertoire Against 1.d4 !
122 Students enrolled
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About the Course

Unlock the power of the Benko Gambit with this comprehensive course. Perfect for players looking to add a dynamic and aggressive opening to their repertoire, this course covers all crucial variations and sidelines, providing a detailed, move-by-move guide to mastering this exciting gambit.

What You’ll Learn
  • Complete Benko Gambit Repertoire: Develop a full repertoire for the Benko Gambit (1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5), including all critical variations and sidelines, ensuring you are prepared for every possible continuation.
  • Playing with a Pawn Deficit: Learn how to compensate for the pawn deficit with active and well-placed pieces, focusing on creating imbalances and maintaining dynamic play.
  • Core Ideas: Understand the main ideas behind the Benko Gambit, including how to seize the initiative and put pressure on White from the opening moves.
  • Countering Alternatives: Discover strategies to counter White’s 3rd move alternatives instead of 3.d5, ensuring you are prepared for unconventional responses.
  • Power of Active Pieces: Explore the concept of ‘happy pieces’—how a Bishop on a long diagonal and Rooks on open files can dominate the board and stifle your opponent’s position.
  • Endgame Strategies: Learn a unique strategy where Black offers to exchange Queens and enters an endgame despite having less material, leveraging piece activity and positional advantages.
  • Model Games: Study instructive model games that illustrate the key concepts and strategies of the Benko Gambit, providing practical examples and deeper insights.