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Puzzle Information

Black has a winning tactical sequence in this position, and it all starts with an exchange sacrifice. The best move is 1... Rxc1!, capturing White’s bishop and forcing a response. White will likely play 2. Rxc1, but this sets up a powerful knight maneuver. The next move, 2... Nf3+!, delivers a check, forcing White’s king to move to 3. Kf2. Now, Black can play 3... Nxd2, winning a key pawn and leaving White in a difficult position. This combination showcases the power of tactical play, using checks, captures, and a fork to take control of the game.
Puzzle Number Last Tried Accuracy (%)
1 Not Yet 0%
2 Not Yet 0%

Overall Practice Set Performance:

Total Puzzles in Practice Set: 0

Total Puzzles Solved: 0

% of Practice Set Solved with 100% Accuracy: 0%

Average Practice Set Accuracy: 0.0%
